Nutrition And Wellness  Lifestyle Transformation
Join Luce and Natasha for a week of Immersion into their Wellness Lifestyle Routine. They will share with you their Healthy Habits and practices that will result in a Radical Transformation. Will give you the habits and tools to Recharge & Energize your life force...
You will experience the way we live daily and you can integrate it into your everyday life without turning back the Yo-Yo effect. The time has come for a journey that has your destination as its destination Benessere360.
An ultrasensory and personalized experience through strong stimuli
that the African land naturally offers. To talk to your potential we put our own, taking care of each minimum detail, accompanying you in our daily routine.
Luce and Natasha invite you to live like them, changing your watch
hour by hour only for 9 days. It is an open space to improve those aspects that you cannot manage on your own to change. From nutrition to psycho-emotional balance you will understand how everything it will stimulate your inner resources for a lasting transformation. You can then integrate only the activities that you have been really involved and of which, we are sure, you will no longer be able to do without.
  • 9 days Rejuvenation and psycho-physical recharge.
  • 9 days of complete detox based on fresh and local ingredients e
  • absolutely without additives or preservatives.
  • Coach & Yoga classes with Luisella Luce Torreforte
  • Conscious Nutrition Lessons with Natasha Mann
  • Day of Rebirthing on the Breath that Heals.
  • Diversified and personalized intensive training. 
Our unique healing pool therapies (water therapies, watage and talasso therapy, reberthing and breathwork) International therapists will offer personalized programs


  •  Life Coach from the Free University of Evolutionary Growth, with Master in NLP and Online Coaching.
  • Nutritional Sport Consultant from the College of Naturopathic Medicine.
  • “Life Breath” Breathwork Coach, a breathing method that heals, also in water.
  • Teacher of the "Heal Your Life" method by Louise Hay
  • Facilitator of Lucia Giovannini ; Tutta unaltra vita; method
  • EFT Practitioner
Somehow I have always been attracted to the world of wellness, first of all to
improve myself. My journey has been long and has required constant effort. There have been several stages to build my knowledge. Everything was useful and

Born in distant Russia, I arrived in Italy at a very young age. Italy welcomed me with great love. A sincere and completely reciprocated love. After becoming a mother, I decided to dedicate myself completely to the family. But I soon found out that it could not be enough. I was thirsty for new knowledge.
So I started studying and growing again. Always passionate about the well-being of the body, I devoured a great deal of scientific literature on the subject, attended
several schools, and saw my future in the world of nutrition. I tried all the nutritional approaches on myself, following protocols with rigor and tenacity. Such experiments were very useful to find out what really worked, and to understand that the golden rule in nutrition is Simplicity.
I chose to follow the ancient wisdoms of nourishing the body with the utmost
respect. By adapting ancient secrets to modern life I created my method, which I
continue to use today, achieveing great results.

Nonetheless, I felt that something was still missing. With nutrition alone the
"framework of well-being" was not complete. So I started my journey into the secrets of the mind. Other books, other studies, other experiments. I discovered psychology, coaching, meditation, visualization and mental reprogramming. By deciding to combine them with the power of Connected Breath and the effectiveness of EFT technique, I felt I finally had all precious tools to heal my inner wounds. I understood that the body and the mind are deeply interconnected.. Only by creating total harmony between physical health and emotional well-being, you can achieve great results.
Today I’m living my rebirth. I lead my life in the direction I want. I feel powerful and invincible. Now I know that there is always a choice, in every situation. Now I am aware that life is a precious gift, it is not to be wasted.
I will be happy to share with you all the knowledge I have gathered over the years,
whenever you need it most.

Ignorance that keeps us prisoners in our old lives forever! There are endless
possibilities for a richer and more harmonious life. You too can free yourself from
the chains of your insecurities and begin to let your feminine power shine.
Beacuse you deserve it!


  • Certified Yoga Teacher 
  • Trainer of Pranayama (Advanced breathing techniques from beginners to teachers)
  • Mental Coach and Life Coach of NLP and Neurosemantics (NLP communication model for coaching and ISNS, GAANS)
  • Teacher and Certified Coach of Louise Hay Coaching Method.  
  • Organizer of international retreats with her method "Find your Inner Rhythm”.
When: Whenever you decide to take care of yourself and set your priorities and goals.

Why: To feel good in your body, to have a clear, intuitive and creative mind. To re-activate all
the senses and find emotional balance.
It is scientifically proven that our emotions are able to generate neuro-endocrine changes that
act on the central and peripheral nervous systems and therefore on our global health.
The search for psycho-physical well-being commences with experiencing positive emotions that make us feel good about ourselves and others.

Goal: In these yoga and coaching sessions you will find and learn to maintain
balance; by activating your individual resources. You will understand how to become
autonomous once you have finished the journey.

The dynamic balance that we instinctively seek, is created by our ability to manage stress and
the possibility of having satisfactory relationships with others, having a healthy and pleasant
lifestyle. You will receive these tools to carry with you home so you may access your life force
energy whenever you need.

A Personal Yoga Coach is the person with whom you will interact on an deep level
and will guide you to go beyond your limits. It will inspire trust and help overcome those same obstacles that you are now seeing as insurmountable.

Together we will work on the physical body with intensive training , testing your limits and
overcoming them. Also on the mental-body to develop a calm, stable and intuitive mind, and on the emotional body to reawaken all the senses. Eventually, all these levels will be connected.

"When the body works well, it moves smoothly around the world, feels strong, light, and draws on its inner life force effortlessly and naturally. Have a good journey!" - LUCE


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